Family Mediation

CORONAVIRUS / COVID-19: We are continuing to provide a full service. We offer remote meetings by telephone or video conferencing software such as Zoom, Skype and Facetime if required.

Are you considering Family Mediation to help you resolve your family issues without the expense and worry of legal fees and going to Court?

If you are going through a separation or divorce and you and your ex-partner have a child together, own a house, share debt or have other joint responsibilities, it is important to make clear arrangements as to how these will be dealt with going forward.

If you are struggling to make these decisions independently, mediation can be a helpful tool. Our experienced Family Law team offer mediation services to help you resolve issues relating to finances, children and other family matters. We are accredited by Resolution as specialising in mediation and are also recognised as accredited mediators by the Family Mediation Council. This demonstrates our knowledge, skill and expertise in this area of law.

How Does Mediation Work?

Mediation involves a couple discussing with the help of an independent mediator any issues that need to be resolved. These issues might include parenting arrangements, child maintenance payments, what to do with owned property, shared pensions or how to settle shared debts.

Mediation is voluntary and requires the consent of all parties involved. The mediator, who is impartial, facilitates the discussion and helps guide the parties towards a resolution.

Sometimes this process can only take a single meeting, other times it may take a number of sessions. Essentially, mediation is a flexible process that can be tailored to the specific needs of those involved.

What We Can Offer You

The benefit of mediation is that it puts control of events back into your hands.

Our passionate and knowledgeable Family Law team have many years of experience of working with couples negotiating the breakdown of their relationship. Our mediators can provide compassionate and impartial facilitation of discussions, working to help both parties come to an agreement they can be happy with.

Mediation is voluntary, but as a first step before litigation, it is a process that we would strongly recommend separating couples consider.

Our Past Cases

  • Assisting numerous couples to reach agreement with regard to issues concerning arrangements for their children and division of financial assets including high value cases.

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Christopher Dolton

Solicitor and Mediator
Divorce and Family Law

Our clients say Christopher is approachable and straightforward to deal with, giving clear and easy to understand advice on specific family law issues.

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